Chapter 1.1 Love and Cocktails
Well for those ummm... people like me who go for their dreams and tearfully leave their loveones behind. Here are some recipes on how to manage your heartache and still serve the best bloody mary:

- Virgin Mary
---> On a tumbler glass, Put chilled tomato juice, a dash of Worcestershire Sauce, a few drops of Tabasco, garnish it with lemon and swizzle stick.
---> Well you better be praying sweetie coz it takes more than your guts to survive. You need a miracle! Hope and pray that neither you or him will find yourself in the arms of another lover. I still envy those people who can work it out. With how the world now is, there are a lot of temptations. Better not be tempted for if you love someone, it will definitely hurt you to hurt that person.
- Bloody Mary
---> On a tumbler glass, Put a shot of vodka top it up with chilled tomato juice, a dash of Worcestershire Sauce, a few drops of Tabasco, garnish it with lemon and swizzle stick.
---> If things don't go well dear, don't blame yourself, blame the vodka. Asked for a bottle and waste yourself up! That's what I did. Bloody hell!!! (British accent please!) Don't even think of mixing it with whatever, drink it up straight and after a while you'll be pouring your heart to your sympathetic friends who would be there to clean up after you puke your guts out too! No guilty feeling. An additional bonus of your crush changing you to your sleepwear. *wink*
- Screwdriver
---> On a tumbler glass, Put a shot of vodka and then fill it with orange juice. Garnish with it with an orange slice and swizzle stick.
---> Don't screw up your chance to happiness when a person tries to strip it off you. Life goes on dear. To hell with him. Just don't come bitching around. It will not do you good. Even if inside your haplessly crying, smile, think how expensive botox is. I remember one time I was doing this flight to Moscow, I had no sleep after a night of sulking and crying but still I tried to look fabulous in uniform. The show must go on. I kept myself busy by keeping my cabin satisfied with one short break in the toilet as I just can't control my eyes from crying after seeing a Russian couple kissing. When I went out, I was fabulous again and even got a complimentary letter from a passenger! Don't let it affect you that much as the other person won't even give a damn. Pull yourself together and everything will be alright.
- Tom or Ian Collins
---> For Tom Collins Gin is the Alcohol base, While for Ian Collins, Vodka. Put ice, a shot of whichever in a tumbler a glass, mix it up with a measure of lemon juice and top it up with soda water. Garnish with lemon slice and swizzle stick
---> Take this opportunity to explore other options. Tom or Ian or perhaps both. Have fun and don't be afraid to again take that leap. Not all are given such opportunity to explore the world. You'll never know, on your next flight to London, you're prince charming might just be waiting for you to bring him his glass of chardonnay.
- Gin Tonic
---> On a tumbler glass, put ice, a shot of Gin and then fill it up with tonic water. Garnish it with lemon slice and swizzle stick.
---> Strengthen up. Don't look back with regret. Time for youself now. Facial, Manicure, Pedicure and the likes. Treat yourself and be beautiful. Don't waste yourself but increase your market value. It's not your lost anyway, it's his. Your not just beautiful now but filthy rich! Not to mention cultured, and well travelled. Whatta package!
- Champagne Cocktail
---> On a champagne flute, put one sugar cube, a dash of Anggostura bitter, a dessert spoon of cognac then top it up with champagne.
---> Being single is not so bad. You still get to enjoy things couples do with no strings attached. You get to sleep around with no feeling of guilt whatsoever. You're lusty, fiery and young! A lil bit of this and that can still turn things around. Celebrate girl! Celebrate! At least you know you didn't end up kissing your worst nightmare forevah! At the end of which you'll still get to have the last laugh if not go and kick his balls.
Hope that helped... more Cocktails for life coming up soon. Drink moderately ok. As for me, I'll wait til my next lay over. tatah!
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