Don't want to be forever hunted by regret.
Somethings in life, however you try to hold on, however you try to keep it together, however you try to psyche yourself up, are better off not pursuing at all.
I must learn how to walk blindly, surround myself with no other voice but mine. Never decide with what your thoughts and paranoia are telling you but will do it because your heart tells you so.
There goes another chapter of my so-called happy ending. There goes my "I-told-you-so" , my drinking sessions and tongue lashing from friends who thinks that would actually make me feel better. Thank you.
People might think I'm lost again. Wandering ever so clueless. I've been there and that's what you ought to know. I know my way back already.
In times like this, whoelse can u turn to but yourself and God. I'll be back right after I've cocooned myself away from the shit I'm presently in. It's not the end of the road just a detour.
Tomorrow's another day. Another reason for me to smile.
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