Passenger Complain No. 3 - Morning After
- Drink and Drive
You went out to party, had tons and tons of fun. Drank like there's no tomorrow. Suddenly, you felt the urge to puke, everything felt all so swirly, your speech slurred then the next thing you know is that you are forcing your guts out - face to face with a stinking toilet bowl.
The next day, you wake up, feeling fresh and all. No trace of hang-over whatsoever. Looking out your window, watching the beautiful ray of sunshine with the morning breeze greeting you with its warm tender kiss. You try to hide by your duvet, coyly smiling. Shortly, you felt something move, pulling the sheets. Your eyes now wide open, surprised as your spine chill. Slowly you turn around and ALAS! you see the most horrible face ever!!! To the top of your voice, you scream and start to bitch fit, kicking the poor fellow out.
What a wonderful world isn't it? The morning after is always fun, especially when you're wasted the night before. It's a jungle out there. For men, just like the prowling vultures, patience is a virtue. When the opportunity knocks, that's the time they start tearing you apart literally! So next time, better not wear your beer goggles or else...
- Cleaning up
As you may have noticed, I've cleaned up my side bar. It has been an eye sore to me lately. Lookie lookie now it's spic and span. Few reminders though, I've updated my "About me" (Know your Sky Angel) and Roster links so be sure to check it out. Also, if you wanna go to my blog roll list and archives, make sure you disable your pop-up blocker okies? Watch out for the return of the comeback of my Inflight Entertainment, still working on a selection and for sure it will be for to the delight of all.
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